My 5 favorite peeling and exfoliating products
These are my 5 favorite and affordable peeling and exfoliating products that works amazing on any skin type. Read more about when or when not to use exfoliating or peeling products here.
Learn How to |Exfoliating your skin the right way
Since there are exfoliating ingredients in a lot of different products like toners and cleansers this might simply be enough for some people.
An amazing product | Korean Exfoliating Mitt / Italy Towel
Korean Exfoliating Mitt is just one of those products that are great and I was so happy when trying this one out for the first time.
Skinfood black sugar mask wash off review
This is my updated review of Skinfood black sugar wash off mask. After using it for over five years it is still one of my favorite products.
Tosowoong black sugar facial scrub | a winner
Tosowoong black sugar facial scrub comes in a soft tube. I really like the packaging of it and thinks it looks great. The package type is also what I prefer since I really don't like dipping my fingers in any products.
Nip and Fab Exfoliate Glycolic Scrub Fix
I used Nip and Fab Exfoliate glycolic scrub fix only a couple of times before I decided to stop using it. My skin reacted to this and became red. If this happens to you should..