Tosowoong black sugar facial scrub | a winner
Tosowoong black sugar facial scrub comes in a soft tube. I really like the packaging of it and thinks it looks great. The package type is also what I prefer since I really don't like dipping my fingers in any products.
How to: Korean skincare routine on a budget | The easy way
A full Korean skincare routine doesn’t have to be super expensive. Let this post guide you on how to start a Korean skincare routine on a budget. I am always that type of person that looks for a cheap alternative, but still looking for great products. My financial situation isn’t great so I really can’t afford very expensive skincare. So these are my tips for really nice and great skincare products on a budget. If you are completely new to this type of routine I…
Farmstay escargot noblesse intensive lifting essence review
Farmstay escargot noblesse intensive lifting essence contains gold flakes and I really don't know what to say about that. I never understood why flakes is a good thing to use, but still they are there and they look pretty. This essence is really strongly scented. I have a sensitive nose when it comes to scents so this is not making me very happy. The smell doesn't last on my skin though, so that is a good thing.
Real barrier intense moisture cream review
The Real barrier intense moisture cream comes in a plastic jar with a spatula, I do prefer tubes or pump packaging due to hygienic reasons but if one you the spatula and not your fingers this is not a problem. But don't forget to wash the spatula as well.
Skinfood black sugar masks compared
The Skinfood black sugar mask are exfoliating masks that you apply on a wet face, massage into your skin and then you leave it for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes are up you rinse the face with lukewarm water and then apply you skincare as normally. I have tried all three different versions of this mask and I really think that all of them are great but there are differences between them and I do have a favorite.
Guerisson 9 complex cream review
This is a products that you either love or hate. If you are a vegan you will definitely go towards hate instead of love. This due to that horse oil comes as a byproducts from the horse meat industry. I actually am conflicted about this product on a personal level, but I feel that it is a hyped products and I do have really dry skin so I felt I wanted to try it out and see if it might work for me.