My skin before and after Korean skincare
This and that

My skin before and after Korean Skincare | a winning method

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My skin before and after Korean Skincare

Before Korean skincare

When I was a youth I never had any interest in skincare. My skin was ok compared to a lot of my friends and the I really never struggled with pimples or oily skin. Instead my issue was super dry skin.

Since I really didn’t know much about skincare and really didn’t have any interest in learning I simply did what all other people did. I used product with alcohol and didn’t even think about toners or serums.

So can dry skin be really bad? Yes absolutely. Dry skin can be really painful. so painful that you get small wounds on your face due to that skin cracks when you smile. My skin was exactly like that. Flaky and dry and just painful. When I got a little older I started to wonder what I was doing wrong and by going to dermatologists and seeking help I thought that my life was going to change. But often the products I got made my skin oily on the surface but nothing more. And oily skin on the surface does not mean that it penetrated and do good.

I tried different oils using the oil cleansing method and that actually worked better than any super expensive treatment or product I’ve tried before so my hopes were getting high. But after some time I started reading more and getting even more interested in the science behind skincare products and ended up finding Korean skincare. Firs my  thought were ohh no (simple because we hear a lot about China and I simply thought they had the same thoughts). BUT that doesn’t mean I didn’t quickly learned that there was NOTHING similar about their products.

My skin before and after Korean Skincare
My skin before and after Korean Skincare

After Korean skincare

So what happened after I started with Korean skincare. Well, a lot. My skin is so much nicer today. I still have dry skin but I do find a lot of products that helps with that since that is a huge goal of Korean skincare. My skin is less red, I have less hyperpigmentation. My skin feels smoother and nicer and simply looks more alive then before. I do get dry patches but I know now what to do and that exfoliation is crucial for dry skin.

Testing skincare is really fun and I enjoy doing it not only for myself, but also so I can write about my experience with different products. If it could help my skin it can help yours as well.

My favorite Korean skincare products


Where to buy Korean skincare

Yesstyle (5% off)

Stylevana (10 € on first order)


Olive Young (5% off)




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